Development sustainable profiles
At Mifa, we consider the environment incredibly important. While Mifa Surface Treatment has been ISO 14001 certified for some time, we don’t stop there. At Mifa, we take concrete steps to reduce our ecological footprint.
Reducing Harmful Substances and Energy Consumption
Mifa is part of the publicly listed company Aalberts. Together with Aalberts, Mifa contributes to a cleaner and more sustainable environment. The goal is to work with other Aalberts shareholders to reduce and/or eliminate the use of harmful substances in products and processes.
Since 2017, we have been measuring our energy and water consumption. The image below shows the measurements for all Aalberts companies in 2019. Aalberts reports the entire group’s CO2 emissions with the requirements of the GHG protocol. From the charts, it can be observed, among other things, that our energy consumption decreased by 8.2%, our CO2 emissions decreased by 9.7%, and water consumption also decreased by 6.2% compared to the previous year.

New sprinkler installation in production halls
Below is a summary of some of the actions we have taken:
Controlling environmental and health risks resulting from the organization’s activities. For example, our production halls are equipped with a sprinkler system. These protect our people, production halls and production processes from fire. The temperature-sensitive sprinkler heads will be installed in the coming weeks. If a fire starts, these spread water through Mifa’s production halls. This allows an incipient fire to be extinguished or controlled until the fire department arrives at the scene. In this way, the sprinkler system protects people and the environment. The toxic fumes produced in a fire cause the most casualties. Due to the cooling effect, the sprinklers limit the generation of these toxic gases. This keeps the fire small in size and limits damage to the environment.

The components of the sprinkler system come from VSH. VSH, like Mifa, is part of Aalberts and supplies fully sustainable quality products. They hold ISO9001 and OHSAS 18001 certification.
Its own environmental street and environmentally friendly production halls
Mifa Surface Treatment has its own environmental street. In the environmental zone we separate waste streams by type of raw material. This makes the sorted raw materials easier to recycle or break down. That way we put less of a burden on the environment.
In our new production halls we focus on reducing energy consumption, for example by using LED lighting and more efficient press drives.
Mifa produces profiles with the sustainable raw material aluminum
There is often discussion as to whether aluminum is sustainable since a lot of energy is required to produce it. However, aluminum lasts for decades and the aluminum is 95% recyclable afterwards. The long life combined with recycling is exactly what makes aluminum sustainable. In addition, the material is also low maintenance. Especially if you compare aluminum to other metals.
Secondary production uses 95% less energy than primary production. According to the International Aluminum Institute, 75% of the aluminum ever produced is still in use today.
Would you like more information about corporate social responsibility?
As a leading manufacturing company, we are at the center of society. The company is keenly aware of its own social role. A role with responsibilities that extend beyond purely financial-economic business operations.
We look at the opportunities to influence the environment from a “life cycle” perspective. This means that the possible environmental aspects at suppliers and customers also fall within the environmental management system.
In this way, we aim – in accordance with (inter)national standards – to significantly reduce negative environmental aspects and our ecological footprint.
Should you have any questions, comments or suggestions? Please feel free to contact us.